field notebook

Complementary Collections: A Survey Begins

On March 1, 1872 the legislature of the state of Minnesota approved a bill that ordered the commencement of a geological and natural history survey of the state, to be implemented and overseen by the Board of Regents of the…

Complementary Collections

In yesterday’s Tuesday Tweet, I shared an image from a glass plate negative of a Black-backed Woodpecker from June of 1902. The images were from a series of negatives Thomas Sadler Roberts produced on his collecting trip to Lake Itasca…

In the field…

The past month was busy on the Exploring project, as student scanners in Digital Library Services completed over 25, 000 scans from June 10 – July 10th. This total is inclusive of the two types of scanning that have occurred…

Laying the Foundation: Newton Horace Winchell

The first dedicated study of the geology of Minnesota – and the discovery of the outstanding natural features of the state – is largely attributed to Newton Horace Winchell, the first director of the Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey….