
Friday Flora: I’d like to sell a vowel Pat

Occasionally after I arrive home from work, I turn on WCCO to watch Wheel of Fortune. It’s nice to unwind after a long day and likely delayed commute via public transit to the sounds of the rat-i-tat-tat of a spinning…

Friday Fungi: Giant puffball

The old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words” can certainly be applied to the images in the Bell Museum of Natural History collection. And, as it has been my experience, a single picture can also send you in…

Joke of the Day

Last Friday, I walked across campus from Andersen Library to the Bell Museum of Natural History in order to research the animal habitat groups that are featured in the museum’s stunning dioramas. As I stood in front of a display…

Friday Fungi

Hardly a day goes by where I don’t take a lunch break to enjoy a sandwich complete with an essential ingredient: mushrooms. But on Wednesday, just two days ago, my hand-packed sandwich was sans mushrooms on a rare occurrence (for…