Tuesday Tweet: Don’t forget an outfit!

To photograph a Least Flycatcher, you could stand on the ground and point your camera up towards the nest:

Least Flycatcher’s nest from distance, June 11, 1899, Heron Lake, Jackson County

Then again, you could also set up an outfit – an improvised stand made of thin wood attached to a tree several feet off of the ground:

Least Flycatcher’s nest and outfit for taking, June 11, 1899, Heron Lake

Don’t forget a friend to hold the ladder. Safety first!

Taking Least Flycatcher’s nest, June 11, 1899, Heron Lake

The benefit of a better angle:

LeastFlycatcher5.jpg LeastFlycatcher6.jpg
Least Flycatcher, June 21, 1899, Heron Lake